He called us clowns!

We have asked Mr Baker to meet with us in the past but he cancelled at short notice so we thought we’d try again. He refused IN A BIG WAY! He sent us a very challenging letter in which he accused us of being hysterical and called us clowns.

We thought you might like to read both his letter and our reply and make up your own mind who is hysterical - meanwhile we’re quite happy to clown around! (Just click on the image to see the full letter)

Recently, parliament debated recommendations to protect the personal safety of MPs. One recommendation was focused on preventing protests at MPs homes. Nothing has to date (April 2024) been brought into law. However, in a local newspaper interview Steve Baker took the opportunity to use this debate to publicly warn us against intimidation. (Steve Baker: MP warns campaign group about 'intimidation' | Bucks Free Press) We thought this ‘a bit rich’ and this was our published reply in the same newspaper:

Bucks Free Press 29 April 2024:

In your online edition of 21st March, you publish an article commenting that Steve Baker is warning Steve Baker Watch about intimidating MPs. What a nerve this man has! A well-known propaganda trick, often attributed to Joseph Geobbels, is to accuse the other side of that of which you are guilty. Steve Baker Watch is a loose association of Wycombe constituents, who share one thing; a deep and pressing concern for what's happening to our climate and what little our politicians are doing about it. The group have simply used their (current) right of peaceful protest to bring Steve Baker's track record, on doing everything he can to deny the science or delay action, to the attention of local voters. 

 What nerve, that he should warn this group about intimidation when we have never protested anywhere near his home - just his office. He claims in your piece that, he “wished protestors well” when in fact he has likened us to child abusers; called us "clowns" and "Muppets"; threatened to sue us using official Parliamentary headed paper to write and accuse us of breaking both electoral and data protection regulations (none of which is true). If this isn't intimidation of his constituents, I don't know what is.

 When he saw them outside his office, he urged members to “heed recent warnings around the intimidation of MPs”. Not for the first time he suggests he finds our scrutiny 'intimidating'. If he doesn't want scrutiny you have to ask, what's he up to?

We urge voters to take a look at the website, www.theyworkforyou.com and check his record on climate issues. Here's the summary:

  • Almost always voted against the preservation of environmental protections after withdrawal from the EU

  • Generally voted against improving environmental water quality

  • Consistently voted against improving biodiversity

  • Generally voted against financial incentives for low carbon emission electricity generation methods 

  • Consistently voted against improving air quality

  • Generally voted against measures to prevent climate change

He has been deeply involved with a number of so-called right wing 'think tanks' based at the now infamous Tufton Street address and secretly funded, but exposed as accepting money from the oil industry.

 He supports a government part funded by a doner who makes racist remarks to suggest that an MP should be shot, so when he urges members of this group to “heed recent warnings around the intimidation of MPs” we find that a bit rich!

He’s Got A Nerve!